Saturday, November 23, 2013

Small But Mighty

 A Chihuahua can communicate in so many ways. A look of pure love and adoration. Haughty indignation at bath time. Drowsy snuggle eyes. That poor deprived look when tasty tidbits are not shared. Or teeth bared growling like a demon when anyone dares to enter her mothers kingdom or go near her squeaky duck.
The whole body wiggle with lots of bouncing, smiling and licking. Just to say I am soooo glad you are home. I have missed you. It has been years and years since you left. I thought you would never come home.
 Their ears have a language all their own. Straight up not happy. Back scared or shy. Pointing forward and down guilty. Up and out inquisitive or "Ohhh yes I would like that treat".
                                   And yes they "BARK" 

With that being said, in order to have peace, happiness and harmony the rules had to be established early in our relationship. 

Very important rules.

1. Love the puppy.

2. No going potty in the house. Unless your very bad Mom stays away too long. Then please do use the puppy pads.

3. Feed the puppy.

4. No barking at imaginary creatures no one else can see, hear, taste, smell or even imagine exist on this planet or any part of the universe. 

5. Pet the puppy.

6. Thou shalt not chew on anything that does not belong to Katt. Possession is not nine tenths of the law. No borrowing, coveting or sliming your mothers possessions.

7. Love, feed and pet the puppy!

                      DO NOT FORGET TO LOVE FEED AND PET
                                         THE PUPPY!!!
And she loves scratches, belly rubs, kisses, treats, more treats, stuffed toys, snuggles, sock monkeys .... this could go on and on.

All any fur baby ever wants is love, food and attention. You are their whole world. And if you are lucky enough to have this type of love and devotion cherish it always. It is a blessing and a gift to treasure. 


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